New swim platform aims to foster safe and inclusive sea swimming

May 16, 2024

The Guernsey Sports Commission and sponsors Rocq Capital are delighted to announce the installation of a new swimming platform at Pembroke Bay.

‘Over the last couple of years, the Guernsey Sports Commission has been working closely with local primary schools through our Aqua Smart programme to improve water confidence amongst children and young people,’ said Steve Sharman, Relationship Director for the Sports Commission.

‘We know that a lot of children love to go to the beach to swim and jump off rocks and piers and our Outdoor & Adventure Sports Development Officer, Alan Jenner, has been working hard to make sure they understand the risks involved and know how to decide where and when it is safe to swim and jump.

‘The swimming platform project at Pembroke is part of this programme but is also there to promote safe and enjoyable sea swimming for all ages. By working closely with the States of Guernsey and staff at Agriculture, Countryside and Land Management Services we have secured all the necessary permissions to install the new platform,’ said Steve.

Stuart Perfitt, Chairman of Rocq Capital, expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration, stating, ‘Our alliance with the GSC underscores our shared commitment to fostering safe and accessible sea swimming opportunities. The introduction of the swim platform at Pembroke Bay represents a significant stride towards achieving this goal.

‘As sea swimming enthusiasts, we recognise the allure of coastal waters. By introducing this platform, we seek to elevate the sea swimming experience while prioritising safety,’ said Stuart.

The GSC, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, has conducted comprehensive risk assessments to ensure the platform's suitability for Pembroke Bay's unique environment and prevailing conditions. This thorough approach reflects the commitment to safety and user welfare.

If the swim platform proves popular it’s hoped that others could be installed in more locations.

‘Pending favourable feedback, we envision extending this initiative to additional bays, contributing to a more vibrant and active community,’ said Stuart.

Thanks also to the following suppliers who have helped with the installation of the swim platform: White & Co, Boatworks +, Geomarine and Donkey Delivers