Survey aims to help GSC remove barriers to participation in sport

May 13, 2021

The Guernsey Sports Commission is keen to find out more about what sports and physical activity children and young people do both in and out of school.

‘We know that taking part in sport brings a range of benefits including improving physical health, mental health and wellbeing,’ said Jeremy Frith, the Commission’s Performance Director.

‘We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to participate and compete in sport no matter what their background, age or level of ability.

‘The Sports Commission, through its School Sports Partnership, provides a range of opportunities in school but we know that many children don’t have the opportunity to participate outside of school for a range of reasons.

‘We want to understand why some children and young people don’t take part in sport to help us try to remove any barriers that some children face,’ said Jeremy.

The Commission has put together a simple survey which is being sent out via schools over the coming week or so.

‘The questionnaire asks what sports and activities children and young people take part in outside of timetabled lessons. This could be after school or lunchtime clubs, dance groups, football clubs or other sports team training. We also ask what sports they might like to do and any reasons why they can’t take part.

‘In gathering this information, we hope to be able to look at where there may be gaps in what is being provided and identify which children and young people may be missing out.

‘We really want as many responses as possible so that we have the evidence we need to support individual children and young people to hopefully access a sport they are interested in and so experience the benefits that participation can bring,’ said Jeremy.

‘Our staff in primary schools will be on hand to help any parents or children fill in the survey and are always available to offer help and advice about accessing out of school provision for both primary and secondary age children.’

The questionnaire will be sent out to parents and young people via individual school’s usual communication routes. All data will remain confidential to the school and Guernsey Sports Commission.

Click here to access the survey