Guernsey Sports Commission offers a range of workshops for coaches, leaders and volunteers to improve their knowledge and gain qualifications. Workshops ensure that all coaches fulfil the basic standards required by their National Sporting Governing Bodies to coach safely and effectively, and also further your professional development.
September 2024
Wed 11th September - Safeguarding & Protecting Children
Wed 11th September - Time To Listen (course for Welfare Officers)
Sun 22nd September - Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work
October 2024
Wed 23rd October - Safeguarding & Protecting Children
December 2024
Sun 8th December - Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work
Wed 11th December - Safeguarding & Protecting Children
The Guernsey Sports Commission is a licensed workshop partner of UK Coaching and offers a number of recognised courses for schools, clubs and community groups. If you are interested in hosting or attending one of these workshops please contact the Guernsey Sports Commission.
Courses can be run on request by our in house team of tutors whilst there is a suite of online courses that can be accessed directly through UK Coaching -
1st4Sport - Activators
1st4Sport Level 1 Award for Activators (Multi Skills) will give you the knowledge, skills and confidence to help out at extra-curricular sessions in education settings such as schools, further and higher education settings, and community programmes.
1st4Sport - Multi Skills UKCC2
1st4sport Level 2 Certificate in Multi-Skills Development in Sport provides learners aged 17 and over with an introduction to the processes and principles of supporting child development through multi-skills.
1st4Sport - First Aid at Work
1st4Sport Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work will qualify learners to fulfil the role of an emergency first-aider in the workplace, who can be relied upon to perform a variety of emergency first-aid tasks, including:
identifying when and how to administer cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
administer first aid to a casualty who is choking, has external bleeding, is suffering from shock, has small cuts/grazes/bruises/splinters, has minor burns/scalds
UK Coaching - Safeguarding & Protecting Children
This workshop will raise your awareness of the tell-tale signs of abuse, and give you the tools and confidence you need to deal with any issues sensitively, appropriately and effectively should the need ever arise in your coaching career.
GSC - Keeping Safe in Sport: Safeguarding for Young Volunteers (13-17)
This workshop is for young people (aged 13-17) involved in volunteering activities, who are unable to attend the adult 'Safeguarding and Protecting Children' certification.
UK Coaching -- How to Coach the Fundamentals of Movement
For coaches who work with all ages and abilities - helping to nurture physically confident children and adults.