(from original Action Plan)
There is a great opportunity to target funding direct to sports and individuals in order to support the development of a healthy, active and successful Guernsey. We want to see sports able to deliver their development plans and individuals able to fulfil their potential through a coordinated funding scheme bringing together private, public and third sector money.
Securing ongoing funding for the Guernsey Sports Commission and in turn sport itself remains a challenge.
We have been successful in securing a further one year of funding to support the Active 8 Plan for Sport albeit it at a reduced level to that required.
We must secure a more sustainable funding model going forwards if we are to continue to deliver the objectives of Active 8.
The Committee for Education, Sport & Culture has also indicated its intention to keep funding our School Sports Partnership supporting our work in primary schools and our General Grant which covers the Sport Development Fund and other direct support for sports.
The Commission has been working hard to establish a new working relationship with the States of Guernsey which will give some long-term certainty to the role of the Commission, recognise our expertise and autonomy, allow us to continue to be the voice of sport within government and support all our member sports to be the best they can be. Sustainable funding for the Commission also puts us in a stronger position to leverage private funding or corporate sponsorship.
Over the last 12 months we have been successful in attracting new sponsors for some of our programmes as well as successfully applying for support from the Social Investment Fund and other grant givers. However, securing sufficient funding, even just to support the basic requirements of this Action Plan, remains highly challenging.
We are grateful to all our current sponsors for their continued support, without which we would not be able to do the work we do.
Active 8 Core Aims Supported
Encourage more islanders to be more active more often
Use sport & physical activity to improve health, mental health & wellbeing
Government Work Plan Core Aims Supported
Healthier lifestyles
Effective community partnerships
You can access the updated Action Plan here